The Mobile Phones in Our Lives

21/10/2018 17:21

The Mobile Phones in Our Lives

Imagine you’re in a public place, take a look around you, and count how many people are using their phones. I can tell you now that it is probably more than half, whether you are on public transport, in a café or simply walking down the street, the mobile phones have become the inseparably  friend for every one of you.

Also, with the constant upgrade of technology we can now do practically everything on a device which can fit in the palm of our hands. We can play, read, write, listen and speak with the world which surround us, But, Do we spend too much time on our mobiles and not enough time talking to people ‘in real life’?

I’m not saying that I am exception of this, but it always amazes me how people can spend so much time on their phones without talking to anyone in particular, they prefer to share their thoughts, feelings and time with virtual activities than with real people.

For example, when we travel by bus, almost everybody is on their phones, and it is easy to suppose what they are all doing. Of course, most of them are using the internet, other playing games, reading articles, checking their emails, or texting some friends and I am sure that as soon as they leave the bus they would start listening to music or just calling. As long as you have a mobile phone in your hand,  there is a constant connection to everyone in the world,.

But… What would happen if we would be free from our mobile phones? Or if we be free from the internet? Maybe we will be allow to spend more time enjoying the environment, doing our favorite activities or sharing with the people who really love us.




Laura Arelis Herrera Moreno

English Teacher at
Instituto Técnico Industrial de Facatativá